Hopp | Meet Someone in Person
google | HoppDating
IDcom.kwickadee.android 简短描述Skip the in-app chat. Meet someone new face-to-face in a quick & easy speed-date 最新更新2025-03-04 1.4.7_March12_2025_Prod 首次发布2024年08月30日 Dating 价格 免费 159857952
Hopp lets you match with nearby singles and cut straight to the date. No more trying to "get to know someone" through online chat. Instead, opt for quick and easy in-person speed dates to see if you click or not.

Browse profiles near you and find someone who’s a perfect fit. Once matches are made, pick a date spot and set up dates and times that works for you. Any match who finds who finds a convenient date option can make a request. After matches are made, user identities are kept hidden and only revealed once the date is requested and confirmed ... so you can stop second guessing your initial likes ;)

When you’re on a date, Hopp is there with you every step of the way. Use the app to coordinate logistics with your date and get to know each other on the date with fun mini-games designed to break the ice and get the conversation juices flowing. Hopp also includes built-in safety features like location monitoring and a ‘safety reach out’ button, so you can go on dates with confidence.

If the vibe is right on your quick-date, you can set up a longer first date the next time around by sharing your contact details directly through the app.

Trust your gut, not your texts. Spend more time on dates and less time on ghosts.

Give Hopp a try and meet someone new near you!

Hopp - Key Features

• Swipe through profiles near you
• When a match is made, set up an in-person date at a nearby public venue (or pick a location and radius and let your match pick a spot within that area)
• Identities are revealed once the date is confirmed
• Coordinate date logistics with each other in the app
• Hopp helps break the ice on your dates with fun games and questions for each other
• Each date is limited to 15-60 minutes, so there’s no awkwardness when it’s time to leave
• Date with confidence with built-in safety features like location monitoring and a safety alert button
• After the date is over, swap contact details with your date through the app if you’d like to see them again