makromusic for Spotify & Apple
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应用APK信息 简短描述Match through music! Match for dating or friendship with shared music tastes. 最新更新2025-03-03 6.1.1 首次发布2020年04月03日 Social 价格 免费 9341868
Music Dating for Spotify with makromusic! Turn up the music, date & meet new people.

Chatting with people who have the same music taste as you is more fun, right?
With makro music, you can easily find music buddies listening to the same music at the same time as you. You can match, date and meet w/ them instantly. Best Music Dating App! More?

You can match according to your profile or music you listen to instantly. By connecting with your Spotify, Youtube Music & Apple Music account, you actively share your favorite artists, songs & music stats that you have listened to before in Spotify. We also match you with the people who are closest to your music taste. Find your music taste buds through music dating app. You can start chatting after viewing the profiles of the people you match with.

3 ways to find your music dating buddy and match in makromusic!

1- If you turn on Instant Match, we will match you with people listening to the same music simultaneously as you in makromusic.
2- If you turn on Matching by Profile, we will match you with the person with the best taste of music, according to your listening habits on Spotify, Youtube Music, Apple Music.
3- On the Discover page, you can access people who are actively listening to music in makromusic.

From ''my profile page'', you can see your favorite artists, your favorite songs and the songs you last heard.

By reviewing the profiles of the people you are matching with, you can see your match rate, common songs & artists and why you are matched. So you can manage your matches in the healthiest way.

How do we use Spotify APIs?

We get the Email address, name and username, profile picture, and public playlists to which the Spotify account is linked. This information allows you to quickly register with makromusic. We want you to match and meet the people closest to the music taste quickly without losing time. Remember, you can always update this information as you like from the settings section.

You can easily delete your makromusic account and saved data from the "Settings" section whenever you want.

You can review our privacy policy at

#1 Music Dating for Spotify! Download now, find your music taste buds, date & meet!