ORB-12 The Planets
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IDcom.watchfacestudio.orb12 简短描述A watchface for Wear OS showing the positions of the planets in our solar system 最新更新2025-03-12 首次发布2021年10月26日 Tools 价格 $0.99 94234948
ORB-12 provides a view of the eight planets in our Solar System as they orbit the Sun. The watch face shows the approximate current angular position of each planet. The background is split into 12 segments representing the months of an Earth year. The Earth makes one rotation around the watch face each year.

The Moon also orbits the Earth according to the lunar cycle and the moon phase is also shown separately at the bottom of the watch face.

New in version 12/27…

Mercury and Mars have a significantly greater orbital eccentricity than the other planets in the solar system so we've incorporated this eccentricity into their positional calculations. Their position is now more accurately represented.

In addition there are two more colour options - lime and rich blue.


Note: Items in this description marked with ‘*’ have additional info in the “Functionality Notes” section.


- Colourful representations of the eight planets and the Sun in the centre which are (from closest to the Sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Date Display:
- Months (in English) displayed around the rim of the face.
- The current date is highlighted in yellow in the appropriate month segment on the face.

- The hour and minute hands are stylised elliptical orbital paths around the Sun.
- The second hand is an orbiting comet

Customisations (from the Customise menu):
- Select ‘Colour’: There are 10 colour options for the month names and digital time.
- Select ‘Show position on Earth’: The wearer’s approx longitudinal position on Earth (displayed as a red dot) can be disabled/enabled.
-Select ‘Complication’ and tap on the blue box: The data displayed in this window can include sunrise/sunset (default), weather and so on.

Occasional display fields:
For those who may require additional at-a-glance data, there are hidden fields that can be made visible and are displayed beneath the planets:
- A large digital time display can be displayed/hidden by tapping the central third of the screen, This can display 12/24h formats according to the phone setting.
- Step count can be displayed/hidden by tapping the lower third of the screen. The steps icon turns green when the Step-Goal* is met.
- The customisable information window can be displayed/hidden by tapping the upper third of the screen.
- Both the step count and the customisable field move slightly along the vertical (y) axis when the wrist is twisted, so that the wearer can still see the data if partially obscured by a passing planet.

Battery Status:
- The centre of the Sun displays the percentage of battery charge
- As this falls below 15%, the Sun turns red.

Always on Display:
- The 9 and 3 markings are displayed in red in AoD mode.

Functionality Notes:
- Step-Goal: For Wear OS 4.x or later devices, the step goal is sync’d with the wearer’s health app. For earlier versions of Wear OS, step goal is fixed at 6,000 steps.

Fun facts:
1. Mercury orbits the Sun more that four times during the course of one Earth year
2. Don’t expect Neptune to move much – it takes Neptune 164 years to complete one orbit of the sun!
3. The scale of the solar system on the watchface is not to scale. If it was, the watchface would need to be more than 26m in diameter to include Neptune's orbit!

If you have any questions or suggestions about this watch face you can contact support@orburis.com and we will review and respond.

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ORB-12 uses the following open source fonts:
Oxanium, copyright 2019 The Oxanium Project Authors (https://github.com/sevmeyer/oxanium)
Oxanium is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at http://scripts.sil.org/OFL