Dig deep into God’s Word with over 15 available Bibles, text commentaries, Hebrew / Greek lexicon, interlinear, dictionaries, word searches, and more. Personalize your study with highlighting, tagging favorite verses, and parallel Bible views. Much more to come
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Join our millions of annual website users who choose to dig deeper into God’s Word with Blue Letter Bible!
• Study the Hebrew & Greek with our original language lexicon
• Perform word study searches using the many available dictionaries and encyclopedias
• Use the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge for an in-depth study
• Over 8,000 text commentaries by over 40 different authors
• Note taking feature lets take notes while organizing them into notebooks
• Tag your favorite verses and collect them into custom folders
• Highlight verses in unlimited customized colors
• Show / hide footnote and verse markers
• Show / hide words of Christ in red
• Adjustable font size and line height for easier reading
• Side by side, parallel Bibles
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