Prisma Health GO app helps you navigate each step of a visit to Prisma Health facilities. Prisma Health GO allows you to locate a provider practice, patient room, department, or amenity using your smartphone, then provides turn-by-turn guidance from your current location all the way to your destination- including indoors. Prisma Health GO will direct you to the closest parking area and then save where you’ve parked to navigate you back when it’s time to go home. Other features of the app allow you to look up a Prisma Health provider, make an appointment, access patient information using a patient portal, pay your bill, and see waiting times for our emergency rooms as well as our convenient urgent care.
Whether you are a patient or visiting a loved one, Prisma Health GO allows you to focus on what truly matters. Give Prisma Health GO a try today!
Use Prisma Health GO to:
• Get directions to hospital or practice location
• Get step-by-step indoor guide to patient’s room, department, or amenity
• Find the nearest Emergency Department with wait times
• Find the nearest Convenient Care (Urgent Care) with wait times
• Find the Mobile Clinic
Schedule Appointments
• Locate Prisma Health provider near you
• Schedule your appointment with Prisma Health provider
• Schedule a spot at one of our Convenient Care locations
Patient Portals
• Access MyChart, OneChart, or MyHealth
• Access billing information and pay your bill
• Chat with your provider
• Manage your health information