100+ LANGUAGES in your phone!
REAL-TIME text & voice translation!
INSTANT camera translation!
aTranslator was never so easy! Travel around the world and easily communicate in any country – aTranslator will instantly pronounce translated phrases on-the-fly! Can’t read the menu items in a fancy foreign restaurant? Those days are history now with instant camera translation!
Communicate freely at the airport, hotel, gas station, supermarket or any other place. Read street signs in a foreign country, translate manuals of your overseas purchases or the text of any picture you already have in your phone. Just put your personal interpreter into your phone and use it for your all translating needs!
aTranslator is an essential learning tool – learn new phrases and listen to the correct pronunciation.
Start using aTranslator now!
– Immediate translation of real-time conversations
– Use your camera for instant text translation
– 100+ languages working in speech-to-speech and text-to-text modes
– You can either speak or type to translate your text
– Copy, paste and share translations in a single tap
– Intuitive dialogue conversation interface
– Speak the translated phrase out loud